by brett | Jan 18, 2021 |
5 reasons to choose 5 axis CNC 5 axis CNC is helping manufacturers deliver increasingly complex parts cost-effectively. It is providing an effective alternative process for traditional manufacturing and plastic prototyping. Here are some great reasons to choose 5 axis...
by brett | Jul 23, 2020 |
1500 protective screens for Arcadian Group stores Multi-national retailers Arcadia Group asked us to manufacture protective stores to protect staff and customers Arcadia Group tasked Wrights Plastics to design and manufacture 1500 protective screens for their retail...
by brett | Mar 23, 2020 |
Eurolaser CO2 Laser Cutting Machine Simply ginourmous the Eurolaser LCS 2XL-3200 is one of the largest models around. The huge dimensions allow the processing of big-size materials – we can cut plastics, foams, textiles, adhesive foils, wood, acrylic, composite...
by brett | Feb 14, 2020 |
High Quality Hoardings for Prestige Village Development High quality hoardings printed to an exceptional standard at superfast speeds – that’s our latest hoarding story as we complete a project for prestige Midlands’ New Homes builder Sidley Piper Homes. Using our Océ...
by brett | Jan 27, 2020 |
Recycled Shelf Liners for Superdrug Our shelf liner for Superdrug was not only manufactured completely from recycled material but at the end of its ‘shelf life’ it could then be fully recycled to provide material for a range of products – a sustainable product...
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