As the UK goes to the polls for the first nationwide polling since the pandemic we have launched a new style polling booth aimed at boosting voter confidence.
The low cost flat-packed easily-assembled polling booth uses the same material and technology as our hygiene screens and sneeze guards. The design aims to maximise protection. Pvc is recognised as forming a protective barrier and it can be cleaned and sanitised easily.
The multi-booth design maximises voter flow & is ideal where space is limited. Two 2m white foam pvc panels are locked together by the single-piece shelf to create a sturdy freestanding booth. There are two shelf height options for maximum accessibility.
The design is aimed to build confidence of both voters and the teams working within the polling stations.

MD Mike Wright said this week “People are familiar with sneeze guards and protection screens and we believe a polling booth that works on the same principle with increase voter confidence that they are being protected in the polling station. The white foam pvc ensures voter privacy.
“And for the invigilating teams cleaning and sanitising the booth during election day is easy – flat surfaces mean there is nowhere for viruses to hide. And the booths are easy to assemble, lightweight and freestanding so they can be positioned as required.”
More details can be found here